Prior to discovering Janis Plageman's recipe for Chewy Oatmeal Cookies, my general relationship with raisin oatmeal cookies could be summed up nicely using the following e-card:
Let's get real here. Aren't raisin oatmeal cookies just a metaphor for adult life?
Me (playing the role of "adult"): Life, can I have a cookie?
Life: Sure - I'll give you a cookie... but under one condition.
Me: And what condition would that be?
Life: The cookie is going to have to be raisin oatmeal. Sorry.
Me: Awwww man! I was kinda just looking forward to a tastier kind... like maybe something with chocolate chips?
Me: Awwww man! I was kinda just looking forward to a tastier kind... like maybe something with chocolate chips?
Life: I'm not that simple. With every one of my up's, there's a down... every yin, a yang. .. You get the picture. Disappointment and compromise are a very real and UNAVOIDABLE part of me and I can never let you forget that.
Me: Even if all I want is to do is eat a delicous cookie? Can't I just forget about your harsh, soul crushing realities for the next two minutes while I eat a cookie and then I pinky swear PROMISE to ponder the duality of the universe later?
Life: No.
Me: ...
Me: ...
After years of outright avoidance, I recently decided that it was time to revisit the raisin oatmeal cookie situation. As previously noted, I am (playing the role of) an adult and can therefore do whatever I want. As such, I have chosen to add chocolate chips and Commonwealth Mix to my version of this recipe in place of the raisins and almonds suggested in the original. I have also chosen not to rename the recipe "Chewy Commonwealth Mix Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies" - but you can if you want. ;)
Baker's Secrets: I cut the recipe in half and it made about 36 cookies. I also baked them for about 12 minutes and they are still nice and chewy.
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