I adore my Better Homes and Gardens Holiday Crafts 2011 magazine. It is a reference book in my home. I display it prominently in a bookcase nestled amongst the weighty literary offerings of Neil Patrick Harris, Stephen Colbert, and Choose Your Own Adventure Books 1 through 3. You don't seem to be getting me: If my apartment were to catch fire, it would be under my arm. I'm that serious.
You see, I love felt crafts. <3 Like *LOVE* felt crafts. <3 This magazine not only contains the instructions for the wreath I chronicled in my verrrrrrrrry first blog post, but also the instructions for the wreath you see below. I finished the autumn wreath in October 2014 after two years in the making (You can't rush my genius.). I took a photo of my masterpiece and Pinned it before giving the real thing to my mother for Thansgiving. She NEEDED its tasteful, shimmery ribbon and folksy felt goodness... and she wouldn't take no for an answer. I completely understand - it's downright mesmerizing.
SEE THIS CUTE OWL? SEE IT? If the wreath didn't put you into a trace, this guy's eyes sure will. I kept seeing these two projects on Pinterest and decided that I could not legitimately call myself a felt afficianado until I had made them both a reality. Well, I did... and I would like to report that I have never... felt... better.
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